The block is well kept. Issues resolved quickly and to a high standard

Actress, WC1

Always on hand to solve problems.

Author, E14

Managed for 2 years now. Issues are sorted quickly at low costs. Place is still immaculate and never any problems.

Landlord, BN3

Get in touch

Contact Details

Email at info@hmmgt.co.uk

Telephone on 020 7700 4125

Post to 59 Welbeck Avenue, Hove BN3 4JQ

Opening hours from 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays)


Out of Hours - Individual Flat Issues

HomeMade are responsible for the communal areas only, issues affecting just one flat are the responsibility of the relevant resident or owner. Useful emergency numbers are:

Electricity UK Power Networks on 0800 316 3105

Gas Transco on 0800 111 999

Fire, injury or criminal incident - Emergency Services on 999


Out of Hours - Communal Issues


Door lock to the building Sussex - Thomas Locksmiths 07714 594483 ; London - Emergency Locksmiths 0207 022 9854


Drainage Sussex - SF Drainage on 0771 423 2094 ; London - Downstream on 0752 883 1204


Electrical Most issues arise from the fuse tripping in the fuse box, located usually in the ground floor hall. If the fuses keep tripping, please call HomeMade from 8am to arrange an electrical engineer. Such repairs usually require parts, which can only be obtained during wholesaler opening hours. If the issue is urgent, call the following number twice in succession 0775 231 2233.


Fire Alarm If the alarm has been accidentally set off, please follow the instructions on the Fire Alarm Panel, usually located by the main door of the block. It is important to reset the system. If the fault continues, please call the number on the alarm panel. There will be a charge to the service charge acount for call outs, so please ensure the engineer call is necessary. If there is an emergency, follow the emergency plan next to the panel.


Gates and Lifts Contact the contractor on the sign next to the lift or gate.


Water leak from another flat Please contact the resident of the flat where the water is coming from. It is their responsibility to resolve the leak. If no-one is in, their supply can be turned off by the stopcock in the communal hallway or in the street. If the issue persists, contact HomeMade from 8am. If the issue is urgent, call the following number twice in succession 0775 231 2233.


Waste and Water Pumps - Aquatronic on 07710 161616


Please be aware that if the issues are not the responsibility of the Freeholder or the Right to Manage Company, then the caller will be liable for the costs of the call-out.

Brighton Seafront
Brighton Seafront

The Property Institute (TPI) - Associate Member